
live campaign

Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey and Minister for Training Dianne Farmer were on hand to release ‘Kev the Kangaroo’ onto Queensland’s streets, launching the ‘Take a break mate’ road safety campaign, in mid-August. The Re:act TAFE campaign was created by Queensland TAFE student Tori Sharpe to raise awareness among her peers of the risks of ‘driving tired’. To find out more or stay up to the date with her campaign, head to takeabreakmate.com


selected campaign

A sunglass-clad kangaroo behind the wheel, colloquial phrasing and rhyming messaging – how else would a road safety campaign educate young drivers about the risks of driving fatigued?

Created by Queensland TAFE student Tori Sharpe, ‘Take a Break Mate – You Drive Lousy When Ya Drowsy’ is the Re:act TAFE Queensland selected campaign for 2021.


campaign presentations

More amazing ideas and inspiring creative from students at Queensland TAFE today. 2021 is the first year Re:act has run in TAFE colleges, and everybody involved should be incredibly proud of their contribution and the standard of work produced.


digital assets